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Pig Production: Activities in the Pig Farm

Activities in the farm can be grouped into daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities. Special activities can also be listed as a reminder of important activities needed to be undertaken on a specific period for a specific group of finishers (i.e. medication/treatment for illness)

Daily Activities

1. Checking of farm bulletin board

▪ Checking of farm bulletin board for special remarks of the farm manager/farm veterinarian or technical consultants.

2. Feeding of pigs

▪ Feeding of pigs immediately but see to it that the feeding troughs are clean. Restlessness of the animals at feeding time should be minimized. The use of self feeders and advance feeding system will be adaptable.

3. Checking whether all animals are eating

▪ Checking whether all animals are eating and mark animals with no appetite for further observation and health check. Take necessary measures on animals showing health problems and accomplish necessary treatment.

4. Checking water supply of the animals

▪ Checking water supply of the animals. Water nipples may be clogged or water output may be low.

5. Cleaning the pigpens, drinkers and feed storage

▪ Cleaning the pigpens, drinkers and feed storage. During cleaning time, there is plenty of time to observe the behavior of the animals. Observe the quality of the dung and urine. Practice wet cleaning in the morning or as needed and dry cleaning in the afternoon to keep the pen dry in the evening. Keep all cleaning tools in their proper places after using.

6. Recording of information on records or pen boards

7. Checking the building climate and adjust accordingly

8. Leaving of important information on bulletin board for the farm manager, veterinarian and consultants.

9. Replacement and replenishment of disinfectants/footbaths

▪ Replacement and replenishment of disinfectants/footbaths and leave the unit clean. Footbaths, when properly and adequately used in a required amount of time will prevent the spread of disease in a farm. It is important that footbaths are “replaced” daily to maintain the strength of disinfectant or if necessary.

Weekly Activities

1. Estimating the weight of finishers and adjusting the amount of feed according to feeding scheme.

2. Checking feed quality and quantity in storage and purchasing new feeds on time.

3. Checking availability of drugs and disinfectants.

4. Checking and controlling mice and flies problems.

5. Planning and carrying out the needed repairs on housing and equipment.

6. Meeting with farm personnel to discuss relevant issues in the farm, resolve problems and suggest implementable activities to be carried out.

Monthly Activities

  1. Monthly inventory of animals.

  2. Carrying out production control and working out technical results. It is important to know the technical performance of the animals for a certain period to guide the farm personnel in carrying out/improving further activities in the farm.

  3. Financial control. This is a useful guide in checking the expenses incurred at a certain period such as feed expenses

Yearly Activities

  1. Farm technical and financial performance appraisal. It is necessary to give a profound understanding to the overall performance of the farm to serve as a guide in the future operation.

  2. Farm planning and budgeting is an essential aspect to be able to carry out the activities in the farm.

Other Activities

1. Vaccination of pigs as recommended by a licensed veterinarian .

2. If weaners are obtained from another farm, it is recommended that deworming and mange treatment of weaners should be done at the farm source before bringing it to your own farm.

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