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Fish Amino Acid or (FAA ) Organic Fertilizer Production Guide

Fish Amino Acid or (FAA )

Fish Amino Acid or (FAA )is made from spoiled fish and fish trash such as bones, head, internal organs and skin with crude sugar; juice of the fish is extracted and gets fermented after storing for a 30-day period. FAA contains nitrogen (90%) and phosphorous (2.5%).

Choosing the materials for FAA

  • You must choose materials that are:

  • not fit for human consumption

  • already considered waste

  • not contaminated with chemicals

  • free or purchased at low cost

Materials needed for making FAA

  • The main ingredients are spoiled fish and fish trash such as skin, bones, head and internal organs.

  • Use either crude sugar or molasses or whichever is available or can be purchased at lower cost.

  • Ceramic pot or plastic pail, basin, wooden ladle, cloth for cover, string, marking pen, kitchen knife, chopping board, and glass jar for storage are also needed.

Steps in Making FAA

  1. Collect materials from the marketplace, fish processing plant or from the fish port. Frequency of collection depends upon the volume of your production.

  2. Chop the materials into small pieces so that the juice can be easily extracted.

  3. Put 3 kg chopped materials in a basin, add 1 kg crude sugar or molasses, then mix thoroughly using a wooden ladle. Make sure that all fish parts are coated with sugar so that the juice can be extracted easily.

  4. Pour the mixture in a glass jar or plastic pail, cover with cloth and secure with a string.

  5. Cover the pot or pail with cloth or paper and secure with a string. Paper or cloth is used as cover to allow some air to get inside the pot and for the gas that is being produced during fermentation to escape.

  6. On the cover, write the date of processing and the expected date of harvest.

  7. Store the container with the mixture for 4 weeks in a cool dry shady place. Make sure that the storage area is not infested with cockroaches or mice because they might feed on the mixture and contaminate the extract. The mixture may be appealing to the house pets so make sure that it is properly secured. In a month’s time, the fermented extract is ready.

  8. Collect the fermented extract and preserve in a colored glass jar. Cover the jar with paper and store in a cool dark place.

Uses and rates of application of FAA

  • As source of nitrogen – use as foliar spray during the vegetative stage at the rate of 1 tsp/liter of water or can be applied directly to the soil to hasten microbial activities.

  • You can apply to the compost heap as energy source for the soil microorganism to hasten decomposition

Advantages of Producing FAA

  • The raw materials are always available.

  • You can make as many FAA because the materials are always available.

  • You can produce at minimal cost since these materials can be free or can be purchased at low cost.

  • You will have an adequate supply at the time of your need.

  • The step by step procedure is very simple and easy to follow.

  • You will have a control over the quality and quantity of the product.

Advantages of using FAA Fish-Amino-Acid

  • FAA is safe to use and will not pose danger to the user’s health even if accidentally ingested.

  • FAA is a cheap source of nitrogen for the plants and for the soil microorganisms.

  • Since the nutrient content of FAA is slowly released, it provides a continuous supply of nutrient to the plants in minimal amount.


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